Mick Rogers - Tour News
Mick Rogers - The Rogerama Solo Tour
2025 Tour news will appear here and on social media platforms
3rd April 2025 Herr Nilsen. Oslo Norway https://www.herrnilsen.no
4th April 2025 Banken Pub Lillesand Norway https://www.bankenpub.no/arrangementer/
5th April 2025 Kafe K Porsgrunn, AS Norway www.kafek.no
Mick Rogers - (with Robert Hart)
14th June 2025 (with Robert Hart) Butzbach, Bauernhofcafe, Birkenhof, Germany https://www.adticket.de
15th June 2025 (with Robert Hart) Butzbach, Bauernhofcafe, Birkenhof, Germany https://www.adticket.de